
1- What was the Berlin Wall?
The Berlin Wall was an symbolic barrier to human rights in Eastern Europe.
2- When did it fall?
It fall in November 1989.
3- What century did South America get the independance?
The century what South America get the independance was in 19th century.
4- Who led South America to independance?
Simon Bolivar.
5- Who was the lider to Indian in independance?
The lider to Indian independance was Gandhi.
6- Who is Nelson Mandela?
Nelson Mandela as the first president of South America. He is president from 1994 to 1999, and was be elected in a full representative democratic election.
7- What year did the apartheid finish?
The apartheid finished in 1994.
8- Which cultures practised human sacrifice?
Greeks, romans, celts, cretans, vikings, japan, canaanites, phoenicians, israelis,...
9- Why don't this cultures religions have the basic human rights?
10- Why North American fight against UK?
11- How many years was the apartheid in South Africa?
The apartheid in South Africa dured fourty three years (1948-1991)
12- What happend in 1776 in North America?
In 1776 has got the American Revolution. The North America broke free from British rule and declared independence.
13- Who's was Karl Marx?
He was a communist who would give power and rights to the people.
14- Explain an importan thing done by Karl Max.
15- When did the American people considerete slaves a people?
In 1841.
16- What was the name of the ship where the slaves rebelled?
The name of the ship where the slaves rebelled is Amistad.
17- How many slaves rebelled?
Two slaves.
18- What did Antigone do?
She stood up for her rights, and she disobeyed the king.
19- Why did Antigon disobed the king?
Because she wants to give her brother a decent burial.
20- Who signed the universal declaration?
The univesal declaration was signed by UN.
21- In what year was signed the universal declaration?
Was signed in 1948.
22- Who archived their authoroty by birth?
Kings and tribal chiefs.
23- For what did king use the people?
24- What century did the court up law write down the defense human rigths?
25- What was the apartheid?
26- Which was the cause of the American civil war?
The cause of the American civil war was to eliminate slavery from the western world.
27- What was slavery?
Slavery is a system in which human beings are the property of others.
28- Where did slavery exists?
The slavery exists in many forms in the world. In all countries there are slavery.
For exemple, one country that protect slavery is Mauritania.
29- When did women get the rights to vote?
In 1918.
30- By which committe it was elaborated?